Paragon Offshore Workers Receive Advanced Firefighting Training

The training was delivered by Hy-Classe Training Cameroon

Assistant drillers, floorhands, derrick men, crane operators, roustabouts, radio operators, offshore mechanics, safety officers, translators, pump men and those working at the shale shakers were amongst the many workers who received the training on advanced and basic firefighting. The firefighting and fire prevention training was designed and delivered to meet requirements of the International Maritime Organization and standards of the STCW convention
During the training that lasted for three days, the employees working onboard Paragon Offshore facilities received in-depth knowledge on how to carry out a fire risk assessment; how to respond to fire outbreak at the jobsite, how to behave in case of a fire emergency, the techniques of fire prevention and firefighting and how to attack and extinguish a budding and wild fire with the use of fire hoses and fire extinguishers. “In order to prevent fire outbreak at the jobsite, we must ensure that fire the risk assessment we have carried out and control measures put in place has reduced the risk of fire to the ALARP. To succeed in reducing fire hazards to the ALARP, we must breakdown the fire triangle into bit and pieces and unless the triangle is adequately broken, there are component which may go unnoticed and this may increase the risk of fire at the job site”. The Hy-Classe Training Trainer explained to participants during the training session
Dwelling on firefighting techniques, the Hy-Classe Training trainer laid emphases on the offensive and defensive tactics of firefighting. He explained when each tactics should be employed during structural firefighting and the importance of predicting fire behavior during a structural firefighting exercise.“One of the greatest hazards that can develop during structural firefighting is a flashover. Ones you see a tongue, a ribbon or an arc, know you are already at the flashover point, anything around you can catch fire. At this point you have to employ the defensive tactics in fire fighting. If you fail to do this, then you are in for trouble” said the trainer.
“Before you ever attack a fire after donning your SCBA, test the PASS and if you find yourself in difficulty while fighting, activate the PASS”. The trainer explained while demonstrating to the participant how to test and activate the PASS, a component of the SCBA. The trainer of Hy-Classe training equally explained to the participants, the different fire streams, their importance and when to use.
From the theoretical phase in the training hall, the workers onboard Paragon Offshore facilities in Cameroon moved to the practical site where they carried out live firefighting exercises employing the different fire streams and tactics as taught in class. They made use of fire extinguishers, fire hoses, the SCBA, foam application equipment, tested the effectiveness of foam application principles. And simulated how to evacuate a building in case of fire.
The participants said the training is the best they have ever received since they began their career in the upstream oil and gas industry. "This is the best training sessions I have ever attended. The content, material and facilitation were superb. The trainer is the best I have ever had in all the firefighting training courses I have attended. This was not just an ordinary firefighting training like the others I have been attending. When the trainer was talking about the water hammer and the fire stream, he aroused my enthusiasm and during the practical session, I experienced all what he taught in class. In case a fire should break out and go wild, there is nothing that will scare me from attacking the fire. I know how fire behaves during its propagation. I can predict its behavior and extinguish it safely" Said Tajouo Augustine.
"I thank the instructor, from Hy-Classe Training. He himself is a fire fighter and his real life expiriences has been a great addition to the training, he is awesome. His knowledge and experience sets him apart from most, but his teaching methods sets him apart from all. He knows how to engage participants, stimulate debate, internalize and reflect as a team and individually. He is a great facilitator. If I had to sum up what firefighting means to me I would say “It is a coordinated effort that must end up in saving lives and property”. Said Chuchap Popouna, a participant of the training session.
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