Radio Operators in Cameroon received Training on Marine VHF Radio Communication.

The training course took three days, it gave participants detailed instructions on VHF Radio communication.  During the three days of the training, participants learnt how; to maintain a state of readiness and respond to emergency,  VHF radio functions, the Basic radio theory, how to make a radio check,  the different radio Subsidiary equipment, regulations / licensing requirements, how to select channel and initiate a DSC.
Participants carried out hands on practical exercises on how to Initiate and respond to emergency, spoken emergency signals, incident reporting, radio procedures and phonetics. They were Introduction to GMDSS, presented with the EPIRB, the SART and VHF radio and explanations were given to them how these equipment function.
Augustine Boteh, a participant of the training said training has given him more knowledge and insight in the operations and functioning of the VHF radio than he expected. “I have been working with VHF radio offshore for many years but never knew all the capabilities of the VHF radio. There are much functionality that I have never used, for instances, when signals are weak and how to correct them.  Today, I have learnt that there are many types of distress alert, e.g. Seelance, Pan pan pan, Securité, sécurité, sécurité and, may day, may day, may day. At first I knew only of the may day. All these have different meaning and are to be used in different distress situations. We were equally presented with the EPIRB, the SART and the various flares and pyro techniques, we have all these things offshores, I have been seeing them but never knew how important they were. After this training, I can conveniently use them. I thank my Company, La Société Industrielle du Cameroun and Hy-Classe Training for putting in place such a rich training package. I pray training courses like this should be delivered to every radio operator in Cameroon and the whole central African region”.
“I have been planning to go in for my GMDSS training and exam, I realized a greater portion of topics covered in this training is part of the GMDSS syllabus and will help me a lot in the training. We have been introduced into the GMDSS, what it is and how it functions, the different sea areas, the different satellites and communication equipment use during distress situations. I commend the professionalism of the trainer; he is not only a trainer but someone who has been operating different types of radio equipment for a very long time. I pray Hy-Classe Training should maintain such high level of professionalism.
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